My name is Natalie and I have been married to my darling husband for sixteen years now (and together for a total of twenty). We have two children, Alex and Danielle.
I was saved at the age of fifteen at a church drama and I can honestly say that my life hasn't been the same since...
At the age of seventeen and while a senior in high school I became pregnant and my life turned into a chaotic storm due to compromise and poor choices. My blog is about how Jesus restored everything and gave my life a purpose. I am hardly the only teen mother out there. There are millions of young girls who have gone through what I have. Maybe you are even going through it now. My story is unique because it's a story of hope and encouragement.
My prayer is that my story will help save the lives of unborn babies, that it will encourage you, and maybe it will lead you to salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Society contiuously shames the lost and abandons the hurting. Jesus is here to change all that and show us more love than we can imagine. Stop and think twice about where your life is headed. Do you feel you have a purpose? Jesus gives us the strength to endure anything and every life is precious to Him, including yours.
Be encouraged and blessed!
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